This survey is to know your level of satisfaction with our consultant, the quality of the documentation delivered and also the product installed. Your answers will be treated confidentially and will allow us to improve our services and product portfolio. We welcome your feedback.

We estimate that the survey will take only 3 minutes.

Please provide us with your contact information so that we can associate your project or reference service data.

    About the consultant who attended you

    Please give us your opinion of the staff that attended you by following the grid below, where 1 is poor, and 10 is outstanding.

    What level of product knowledge would you assign to it?

    Was he clear in his explanations/dialogues?

    Were you treated respectfully/accordingly?

    Did he arrive on time for his appointments/meetings?

    Did he resolve all your doubts adequately?

    Did the consultant meet your expectations?

    About the documentation provided

    Did you find it well organized/structured?

    Was it deep enough?

    Was it delivered in a timely manner?

    Did it meet your expectations?

    About the product

    Did it meet your expectations / technical requirements?

    Did you find it to be a good quality product?

    Is the product easy to use?

    Do you have adequate product documentation?

    How likely are you to recommend this product to others?

    Other Questions

    Please indicate the operating systems used by the users in your company:

    Indicate the types of user devices used in your company:

    Additional information